Episode 267 S7-29
When Should You Go?
Special Guest:
Hope on the Horizon Ch 29
Chin Gibson
You must know how to assess your local area so you can decide when it is time to leave. In the Hope on the Horizon story, this skill is essential. Today Chin and I analyze potential threats that you need to be prepared for and how to be ready for the moment when you need to make that decision.
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There are specific indicators you need to watch to assess the level of threat in your areas. If you want a quick course on how to evaluate area preparedness, visit Samuel Culper’s site, Forward Observer, for a boot camp program. First, you should investigate the vulnerability of your area. How prepared is your community? How many people are prepared with food, water, and ammo? Can they defend the site from a threat? What is the strength of the police force, and how much support do they have?
Everyone should look into the crisis management system in your area. There is a conflict resolution system in place. This information will reveal the strength of law enforcement and local leadership. If disaster strikes, how easy is it to move around? What type of social pressures will you be facing?
You must also assess the risks to social order in your area. How far will it descend into chaos in an emergency? Another consideration is the political exploitation of the crisis. You need to understand if local representatives will encourage or discourage the chaos for their own personal gains. Take a step back and decide if this will be a significant turning point in power relations. Think big picture with this. Are there opportunities to be seized? Who will step up? What will their motives be?
Finally, you need to understand what potential crisis mitigation measures will be put in place and how they will affect you. Study your local governments and know the emergency plans.
If you are threatened, leave! Know ahead of time what you are going to bring with you. Know where you are going. Where do you have to go to get there? Know the thresholds that will make you leave. Don’t wait too long. Talk about it with your family now, so you have a game plan.
Use every resource at your disposal to gather intel. Follow the local news people on Twitter. Watch your local news and get a feel for the situation. Friend and follow news people on Facebook so you can follow the action. Protect yourself, and stay ready. Don’t pretend like everything will be fine when it’s not. Talk to your spouse, extended family, and preparedness groups.
Use insurance basics. I know your home is probably your most significant investment, but the people inside are way more valuable. Get ready now. Check your insurance policies to make sure you have adequate coverage. Document the stuff in your home just in case it is lost. Store this information off-site, so you have access to it.
Make sure you are prepared for the long term. You may not be able to return for a while. Prepare emotionally for the contingencies. Make sure your vehicle is ready to take you wherever you need to go.
There is no way to tell when your area will become a flashpoint, so you need to be prepared. Not many of us carry around a gas mask. However, it is easy to carry goggles and a rag to make sure you can protect yourself from aerosols.
Ideally, you want to be able to stay home. Have your preps ready to rock and know who your neighbors are and what their plans are. You need to have non-lethal and lethal weapons for defense.
When you have to leave your home, make sure you have a get home kit in case of an emergency. Avoid crowds at all costs. Only participate in peaceful protests during daylight hours. Things can go south quick. Don’t hide. Remove yourself. Don’t worry about your car if you can’t get to it safely. Make sure you have full coverage now.
Focus on your self-defense and physical fitness. Don’t trust people mindlessly. We have become comfortable walking around, believing we are safe. When in public, keep your head on a swivel. Practice situational awareness by imagining that the people around you may attack you and imagine how you would respond. Think through the scenario. This exercise will keep you sharp.
If in a crowd, move with it until you can discreetly remove yourself. Don’t get singled out. When you are in public, be with a group. There is strength in numbers. Do not carry firearms openly. This may make you into a target.
Stay safe and ready, everyone.
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.