Episode 274 S7-36
Socialization is Essential
Special Guest:
Hope on the Horizon Ch 36
Chin Gibson
Most people know, in survival, you live by the rules of three. You can live three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. However, quarantine has amplified the importance of the one rule of three, not many people considered, three months without social contact. Today on the podcast, we explore this concept in the chapter from Hope on the Horizon. Then, Chin and I discuss this phenomenon and how you can strengthen your mind.
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The lockdown has been a test for all of us. We have been isolated from society more than ever before. The life we have been forced to endure is just a small taste of the environment we would experience after a societal collapse. Many people believe they can be the lone wolf that survives alone or solely with their family. This isolation is mentally and physically harmful. We can’t have a breakdown of societal trust and remain healthy.
Covid conditions have created a unique window of opportunity to study the effects of social isolation on society. For emotionally weak individuals, it is inducing widespread depression and symptoms of PTSD. However, those with emotional strength can develop post-traumatic growth syndrome. Psychology Today explains that the stressful experience causes personal growth and fortification of emotional stability.
There are a few ways you can remain emotionally healthy. Limit media. The never-ending exposure to the visual imagery of negatively based media can trigger the flight or fight emotion within you. Print is the suggested source of your daily news update. In the event of a major disaster, you may not have access to traditional news sources. Make sure you have an emergency radio and consider upgrading to a ham so you can listen to news that way.
Accept your feelings. Anytime you have to alter your life instantly, there is going to be emotional fallout. Anytime you experience a disaster, whether personal, natural, or human-made, you will experience some significant stress. Don’t beat yourself up for feeling a certain way. Allow yourself to experience it and then get it together.
There are some things about the Psychology Today piece that I found fascinating and other information that is blatantly a political push. It would be nice if science could stay out of politics, but that doesn’t seem possible today. I digress. The article suggests choosing the leaders you follow carefully. I agree with this but do not agree with the leaders indicated in the publication. That is a personal choice because I have identified the values in line with my own, which I choose to follow. It is crucial that you recognize the essential values to you because, in a disaster, your leadership options may have a much more direct role in your future survival.
To keep your mind healthy, Psychology Today also suggests you limit social media. Social media algorithms target material to show you what you want to see and keep you engaged on their platform longer. They are feeding you biased information. That information can often make you even more polarized. However, in a disaster where social networks are still accessible, they can be beneficial for gathering information.
I can’t entirely agree with the article explaining that you shouldn’t feel pressure to be productive. That you shouldn’t feel pressured to be productive during the time of “war.” The article explains that most people will stay in the lower levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which’s okay. I disasggree entirely with that. The citizens of the US have turned into weaklings. Anytime is a good time for self-advancement, and you should work on that every day, regardless of the circumstances swirling around you. Imagine if the people that fought in World War II would have said that? The factories would have been quiet, and the outcome of the war might have been much different. If you are in a disaster scenario of any type, you need to remain adaptable and productive.
You should also focus on the facts. I like this point; we’re back into science. The article explains that you have an emotional mind, a rational mind, and a wise mind. When you dispense fear with a rational explanation of facts, that is when the wise reason is in full effect. This explanation is good advice, no matter what situation you face.
The article states that people who meditate are emotionally stronger. I want to add that those who connect emotionally to our Father in Heaven are also emotionally stronger. These people who can calm their minds through meditation or faith can return to a state of mind to accept and adapt quicker. Find your faith and your center.
To keep a healthy state of mind, limit exposure to toxic people. They can be hard to deal with at any time, but during times of crisis, when you are trying to keep yourself together, these people can be incredibly damaging.
Take some time to focus on self-care and know your personality needs. There are many benefits to socializing that are critical to a healthy body and mind. Socializing strengthens your immune system and makes you less susceptible to disease. Socializing also fights depression by boosting hormones that make you feel good. Socializing also fights dementia and prevent loss of reality symptoms. Inflammation is also reduced through socialization.
Those who don’t socialize have an increased tumor risk. They may also have reduced body temperature, reduced resilience, and a decreased sense of empathy. These people also display a reduced ability to learn. Socializing rewires the brain to learn faster.
If you’re struggling with social skills, try using skype to contact long-distance friends. Walkthrough your neighborhood and stop and say high to the neighbors. If you are a grandparent, babysit your grandchild. Help them with their homework and engage with them. Sign up for a class at the recreational center, library, etc. Attend religious services, or sing in a choir or music group—volunteer in your community. Play board games with loved ones, or you could exercise with a friend.
Your mental health will determine your survival rate. An article by Primal Survivor.com explains that six personality types will be the first to go. The indecisive. You have to know when it is time to go.
Stuff is stuff; lives are what matter. The sentimental will also not know when it is time to leave. Don’t hold on. Learn how to adapt and overcome. The macho types who act as lone wolves, show-offs, or have the I’ll take what I want mentality probably won’t make it very long. The uncreative who can’t adapt and think their way out of bad situations. Those that panic are in trouble. There is also a whole class of keyboard survivors who have never planted a garden or gone hiking, who think they can survive that will probably go pretty quick. You have to practice and experience the things you learn if you intend to use them when the time calls.
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Chin Gibson
Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.