Episode 277 S7-39
Fight the Burnout
Special Guest:
Hope on the Horizon Ch 39
Chin Gibson
Complacency can be a big problem when it comes to preparedness. You have to fight burnout, and there is so much for us to be burned out over right now. Today on the podcast, we view the Supreme General's meeting from TJ Swenson's lens and then Chin and I have a little fun and have some great tips for fighting the burnout and shoring up your preps for the change of season.
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Many of us are fighting burnout right now. However, the political climate should not dictate your prepping habits. Prepping should be done in preparation for natural disasters, economic crises, personal disasters, and season preparation. Life is seasonal. You should always stay on top of your preps no matter what type of wind is blowing.
The election has burned many of us out completely. To fight the burn, stay focused locally. Freedom has to be maintained, or it is lost. On a local level, your money goes further, and your time makes a big difference. Small waves created on a regional scale can have big ripples on a state or federal level. Being involved in local events will impact you more as well. Many big funders are figuring out the power of investing locally. We need to stay active.
Freedom is not free. We have to be involved. Complacency breeds corruption, and if you don't take an interest, you have no right to complain.
Seasons are changing, and winter is on the way to the United States. It's time to freshen up your packs. There are many types of go bags to consider. You may have an EDC kit or a get to the car bag. You may have a get home bag and a get to the bug out location bag. Then there is the long term bug out bag. Make sure whatever you have, they are ready for the winter. Don't forget to trade out and old crusty protein bars.
Items you may want to make sure you have are winter gloves. Fireproof gloves are a good addition for any season. Mittens are good as well. They keep your hands warmer. Hat clips are helpful to make sure your hat stays with you. I also keep a glasses lanyard in my pack because I can't lose my glasses. Long underwear is another seasonal consideration, as well as, clothing to layer up. You will want to make sure you have emergency blankets and a poncho linter. Double layer your socks with a thin pair and then a natural fiber. You may also consider packing pantyhose. They provide the extra sock layer and prevent chaffing.
Make sure your water storage at home will not freeze. Floating heaters are an option, and insulating pipes is a must in cold areas.
The world is what you make of it. Be true to yourself and follow your values. Keep fighting the darkness and defending the light, and stay prepared for anything.
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.