Episode 8 S1-8
Wilderness Travel
Special Guest:
Day After Disaster Ch 8
James E. Hart
In the Day After Disaster adventure, Henry tells Erika about his experience traversing the wilderness between his home and the nearby town of Auburn. James E. Hart, a man with an incredible amount of survival knowledge and my personal friend is back today, to discuss the do’s and don’ts of wilderness travel in a hostile environment.
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When Traveling In a Hostile Wilderness Environment, Do:
Invest in night vision tools.
Learn to walk quietly in soft soled shoes.
Carry a quiet weapon like a bow, crossbow, spear or lance.
Travel quietly
Blend in with the shadows and cover short distances.
Make sure you are not being followed. Look 10 feet ahead and 100 feet ahead. Be totally aware.
Talk in a quiet voice with a low pitch.
When Traveling in a Hostile Wilderness Environment, Don't:
Travel during the day.
Use a silencer on a gun. It will still make a very loud noise.
Try to cover long distances.
Rely upon a GPS that can fail you or compromise your position.
Use a map with your camp and safe locations marked on it.
Wilderness Navigation Tips:
Have a good compass
Know your local area like the back of your hand. Know landmarks and safety zones.
The moon and stars can guide you.
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. So does the moon. If you draw a line from the top of the white part of the moon to the bottom of the white part of the moon you will know north and south. The white part of the moon is always to the west so that will tell you which way east and west are. Now you know North, south, east and west.
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James E. Hart

A veteran of 2 tours of duty in Viet Nam, James began his survival training at the age of 7 when he was stranded in the Mojave Desert for 7 hours without food or water during a family move in 1954. Since then he has been through the scouting program where he attained Life scout, served as Scoutmaster, Assistant Scoutmaster, Venture Advisor, and earned the Badden Powell Award. An avid outdoorsman, he has winter camped in Utah and northern Quebec, Canada, snowshoed in upstate New York, Utah and Quebec, and camped in the Mojave Desert of California, the Uintah Mountains of Utah, and the Piney Woods of East Texas, among numerous other locations. James has traveled and been through 42 of the 50 states of the US. Three provinces of Canada, sailed the Pacific Ocean, and crossed the Equator and 35 countries from jungles of South America to the Himalayas of Nepal. Having earned an Associates of Photography Degree from Houston Community College, he has beautifully captured many of his travels with his camera.
Now retired from a career with the Trinity River Authority of Texas, James resides in Dallas, TX, where he lectures on Wilderness and Survival Training. He is the author of SWET Survival & Wilderness Experience Training, Urban & Wilderness Emergency Planning, 35 other booklets on wilderness training, monthly articles for Survival Life Magazine, and a column and articles for The Garland Messenger Newspaper. James also does workshops and speaking engagements.