Episode 202 S6-2
What Wouldn't You Do For Them?
Special Guest:
The Endless Night Ch 2
Chin Gibson
Heading into danger, Johnny leads his friend confidently for the sake of his father in The Endless Night adventure. Family can cause us to live up to a higher standard or throw our ethics out the window for their safety. What wouldn't you do for your loved ones?
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There are many amazing stories throughout history of people doing amazing things for the sake of their family. A personal could possess incredible mental and physical abilities to help their families. Thousands of soldiers go off to war every day for the the sake of their family's future. This never-ending love can cause individuals to have higher moral ethics to set an example for young individuals that may look up to them.
However, in a long term disaster scenario, this same loyalty may cause individuals to make unethical decisions for the benefit of their family. Many people may claim that they would eliminate other survivors, but the collapse is more likely to come at a slow pace, encouraging the concept of bonding together. People may do horrible things for the sake of their family. This bond will even cause people to sell themselves into slavery to provide for their loved ones.
Dale Goodwin has a great article over at SurvivalistPrepper.net, discussing a book called The Family Survival System. After years of educating himself in survival techniques, a recommendation from Dale is no laughing matter. Dale feels that it has something to offer both a seasoned and a beginner prepper. After perusing the sections, one of the chapters that stuck out to me was "The Makeup of Your Family and How it Affects Your Preps."
Every family is going to have unique circumstances. Survival is all about adaptation. Taking the provided information and applying it to your family's evacuation and long term survival plans will be essential.
Preparing for a time of shortage in the future can also make your family a target. TheBugOutBagGuide.com has an interesting article exploring this topic. I have a high risk of wildfire in our area so I don't overstock things that I can't move if I needed to. Chin suggested breaking up the preps and enlisting friends or family to store some of your supplies at their location. This is not a bad idea. It would provide a network of supplies for your household.
There are current threats to your home, like your neighbors. The big question is, how well they have prepared? Maybe they didn't at all, but they were well aware of your activities. Isolation can be great to keep you away from burglars; however, anyone wishing to do you harm doesn't have to worry about witnesses either.
In a long term situation, these marauders will become a more significant threat. Arguments within the group will threaten social stability. Seizing the moment, many tyrannical leaders may rise to the top.
At a site called https://tolkien-online.com/methods-to-protect-your-family/, the author featured a blog instructing people on how to protect their families during a natural disaster. Making sure you can access information to share with your family goes a long way to lower anxiety levels. Also, making sure your family has necessary survival skills will help them if you are ever separated. Basic human needs must be taken care of, so make sure you have water, food, heat, and stocked survival kits.
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Chin Gibson
Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.