Episode 237 S6-37
Road Trip Essentials & Coronavirus News
Special Guest:
The Endless Night Ch 37
Chin Gibson
Taking a road trip requires proper planning to ensure that your family is safe and comfortable along the way. On today's podcast, the characters in The Endless Night are on a wild ride, Sara shares some road trip stories and the items that came in handy and Chin discusses the latest news on the Coronavirus.
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During this episode, Chin and I discuss my recent move and the things I was sure glad I had along the way. When you start on a long road trip, make sure any gear or trailers are securely fastened so any trauma along the way won’t send your stuff flying. Also, follow James Yeager’s advice from a few weeks ago and make sure you leave ample space between you and the car in front of you. Remember when your vehicle is heavily loaded or you are towing, it will take you a lot longer than planned to stop. Make sure you are prepared with tourniquets and a first aid kit in case of an emergency. Have backup batteries as well as plenty of blankets and pillows. Have a stocked cooler with water, sodas, snacks, and have back up rations as well. You may have to make an unplanned extended stay on the side of the road.
Now, let’s talk about Coronavirus. Chin has been doing his homework on this one in a big way. The Coronavirus is not just media hype and at this point, it may be downplayed from the actual cases.
We are encouraging everyone to join us on discord, where we are sharing news and Changing Earth events: https://discord.gg/QyWBgBe
If you want to see the real numbers of Coronavirus cases, Wu Flu Live is an excellent place to start. They track confirmed cases and deaths. From January 21st to 28th, there were 5,500 cases. In just the next seven days, the number of cases increased to 18000! Doctors are scrambling to make a vaccination. It leads one to believe that this could be a new trend. A new disease appears, and a new vaccine is created. The citizens of the world need the vaccine and the pharmaceutical companies make more money. It would be a way of raising funds very quickly.
Vaccines take six months to a year to develop if it wasn’t created before the disease was released. This period makes this virus a convenient way to control a population if someone wanted to. Because of the coronavirus, the Hong Kong riots quieted and Japan was hit quite badly.
Ninety-seven percent of our antibiotics that western medicine relies upon come from China! China provides for the health of western civilization. If the supply chain were cut, big problems would result in the United States. We need to be producing our medications.
Take a look at the products in your home. How many of them come from China? If this trend continues, the supply of these products is going to decrease and the price is going to skyrocket.
Another good source of information on the coronavirus is Dr. John Campbell’s YouTube channel. He is kind of old school but smart and has quality news on time frames for the disease, symptoms, and cases. He only speaks to confirmed cases.
Make sure to stock up medication to treat respiratory infections and the flu. If you can help your body when it gets sick, you have a much better chance of survival.
The number of cases is snowballing. About 3,000 new infected individuals are being confirmed every day. It’s hard to trust these numbers when we have countries like Mongolia (that shares a border with China), Africa and South America reporting no cases. A blossom of the disease in a third world country could be devastating for the world.
Buy N95 masks while you can. They are selling out. There was already significant demand for them because of the wildfires in Australia and now production can not keep up with the need.
Give your body vitamin C, and do not let your body dehydrate. Keep drinking water throughout the day.
Use Google alerts to set up alerts for cases in your hometown so you can be abreast of the news.
Prediction models that were tested for accuracy against the SARS outbreak have shown that the numbers of infected should be in the millions at this point. It is tough to say if the lack of cases is governments keeping quiet or only an overwhelmed medical system. The disease has a one to two week incubation period and then the patient shows symptoms for one to two weeks. If a city has 6000 hospital beds, they may have to find a way to fill 10,000 for two weeks. It is a daunting task for the most advanced country to tackle.
There is no way you can isolate yourself. The extended incubation period allows for widespread distribution before a person will even suspect they may be contagious. Just one person living life can deliver it to dozens of people every day. The disease lives for six hours on surfaces and is spread through body fluids. The virus can travel in water droplets so even a public toilet without a lid can act as a coronavirus spreader. Kids at school could rapidly spread it to one another and they would bring it home to the parents. You don’t know when to quarantine.
Not everyone dies when they get coronavirus. Make sure you are practicing healthy habits to try and keep your body as robust as possible. Make sure you have medications on hand to self medicate so your body can have help with the fight. Buy bottled oxygen from sports stores in case of emergency needs.
Remember Chin and I aren’t doctors. You have to do what you think is best and research for yourself.
Works cited:
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.