Episode 260 S7-22
Cooling & Heating without Power
Special Guest:
Hope on the Horizon Ch 22
Chin Gibson
Staying cool when it’s hot or warm when it’s cold is a challenge when you don’t have the power to make it happen. The characters in the Hope on the Horizon story use various techniques to stay warm. Today, on the five-year anniversary of The Changing Earth Podcast, we are going to discover ways to heat and cool without electricity.
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When the temperatures heat up, staying cool can be a matter of life and death. Remember, when it’s hot, water is your friend. If you have an outdoor pool, the more you swim in it and agitate the water, the longer the water will maintain it’s purity with the addition of chemicals. Even if your pump is not working, the water will keep your temperature down. Plus, a pool can be a fantastic source of gray water for your household needs.
Shading always helps maintain a cooler temperature. Plant trees, hang shades or use blackout curtains to block the sun. Increase the airflow in your home by opening opposing windows. Also, you can drape wet towels or sheets over yourself.
Hydration is essential when it is hot. Eating fruit is better than drinking large quantities of water. Sleep under lightweight cotton sheets. Wear lightweight, cotton clothing, or nothing at all. Sleep low because heat rises. Cook your food outside, so it does not heat your house or sleep outside. Sleep on straw or bamboo mats that breath more than a mattress does. Hang wet curtains in front of your window or go to bed damp from bathing.
For long term situations, digging caves to sleep in takes advantage of the earth’s geothermal cooling. If building a home, make it with the breezes in mind.
Staying warm when it’s cold is just as essential as staying cool when it’s hot. Always dress in layers and use insulation in between the layers for maximum warmth. Cover your head! The majority of your heat escapes through your head. Stock up on hand warmers now, but remember the past. In the old days, they used heated rocks in their beds or wagons when traveling—huddle in one small room with now windows. If there is a window, make sure it is south facing. Alternatively, you can pitch a tent inside your house and have everyone sleep in it.
Cover your windows with plastic, garbage bags, or bubble wrap. Close your blinds and curtains over the insulating material. Use towels to block any drafts that enter the room.
It’s time to start up the wood burner or fireplace. If you don’t have one, you can burn multiple candles for heat but beware of the fire danger. Metal coffee cans with candles inside can help heat and maintain safety. If you use a generator for heat, remember it can’t be inside!
Drink warm liquids. Learn to make and use a rocket stove for efficiency. The more blankets and sleeping bags you have, the better. You can also use heated water bottles to maintain warmth. Get your body moving. Exercise helps pump the blood and keep you warm.
For long term solutions, think outside the box. Build homes with propane heat and make sure the fan can run on propane as well. However, the propane supply will only last so long. You can use kerosene heaters, but they need fuel as well. Make a solar convection heater with cans. Remove the tops and bottom to make tubes, paint them black and put them in a sunny space, and funnel the heat into your room. Open south side windows when the sun is out to trap heat for the night. Put something dark in the place that the sun shines on during the day. If you run out of wood for the woodstove, remember there are alternatives. Coal and animal dung have often worked as viable options for heat. You can also use your compost pile to heat water or air. Put piping in the middle of the pile and then pipe it into your living space. Alternatively, greenhouses with black piping inside can heat water or air for a living area.
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.