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Episode 271 S7-33

Traveling Through Hostile Territory


Special Guest:

Hope on the Horizon Ch 33

Chin Gibson

Traveling unnoticed through hostile territory can be a tricky proposition. Swenson finds that out as he attempts to navigate his way towards his captured comrades in the Hope on the Horizon adventure. Today Chin and I discuss gear you may consider carrying and tactics to deploy on this risky task.

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The first thing you need to consider when traveling through a hostile area is the gear you may want to carry. In an informative article from the Military Times, they outlined fifteen must-have items for a covert EDC kit. One of the first items they mentioned was a Kevlar clipboard. This item looks non-threatening, but it is easily inserted in a shirt or a backpack to form a barrier from bullets if needed. A map of the area is always vital and should be considered, especially in hostile territory. The article also mentioned an Altoid tin with Bandaids, superglue, and Kevlar laces. I am unsure about using the Kevlar laces, but an Altoid case can be an excellent canister for an emergency medkit, and that will come in handy. A zebra pen can make a covert self-defense tool. This pen is stainless steel and used defensively as well as a means to leave a message. Mace is another item that you can carry for defense that rarely arouses suspicion.

You should always carry a small flashlight, and your keyring should have another LED light, a glass break, a whistle, and a handcuff key. Having been trained on picking handcuffs with a paperclip, I always carry one on my hats or in the leather patch on the back of my pants. Energy bars are essential to make sure your alertness doesn’t dip. Another item you probably don’t carry is a roll of quarters. You can spend the roll of money or put it in a sock and use it as a weapon in a pinch. A bandana is another useful item that can be used in multiple ways and should be on your person. The final thing I want to highlight is a communications device. This device could be your phone, a beacon, a whistle, or a radio.

Additional items that the article mentioned were carabiners, medical shears, a Nalgene bottle, ten-foot of one-inch tubular nylon, a GPS, and a mouthpiece.

Spread the items throughout your personal attire and carry a bag with an additional collapsible backpack inside. In the pack, you want to keep a change of clothes and possibly a lightweight pair of shoes. The extra bag and these additional clothing items allow you to change your appearance if someone is tracking you. Additionally, bags always come in handy for lightening your load or providing you with a place to put additional gear you accumulate along the way. Your bag should have a concealed pouch where you keep a firearm as well as emergency cash.

There are also specific skills you need to develop to be able to traverse through hostile territory safely. It is going to be critical that you can blend in. Don’t create any unusual noise or produce abnormal light. Feel out your situation and pay attention to your instincts. Genetics has conditioned the human body to keep us alert and safe. Don’t wear clothes that will stand out when you mix in with enemy forces. Don’t carry huge bags of gear or look like a threat.

Clear your mind and get your emotions under control. You need to keep analyzing the situation, and you need to focus on doing that. Keep crowds at a distance, and if you interact with them, make sure you don’t get riled up. This critical moment is not the time to let pride get in the way. Ending up in a conflict is a worst-case scenario. Gunshots will only draw more attention to you. If possible, use a non-lethal method to end the confrontation and remove yourself from the situation as soon as possible.

Running is a huge no, no! When walking with my son the other day, a dog ran out at us, and I could tell he wanted to run. I explained that anytime you run, you are going to encourage the animal’s predator instinct to kick in. Chances are, the animal will chase you and probably bite you. The same is true for a human. If you run, you encourage a chase. Pay attention to your environment so you can anticipate upcoming issues.

When moving, stop frequently, and make brief stops often. This small pause allows you a chance to slow down and think. It provides an opportunity to gather new information and reevaluate assumptions. Watch and listen to your environment. If you can’t stop, move slowly and steadily. There is a lot of thinking that goes into making the body move. Controlling that process allows you to put more energy into area assessment.

If possible, become extremely familiar with the area before you need to move through it. You need to know alternative routes, where obstacles may be, where street lights are located, etc. The better you understand the threats, the more likely you will be able to navigate around them without drawing attention.

Knowing your environment is also vital in using it to remain hidden. Try to move in the shadows. Walk next to buildings and use cover whenever possible. If you are in an urban environment, avoid street lights and open areas like parking lots. The same is true of rural areas where you should try to stay by treelines and in gullies. Walking through pastures or down wide roads is not advised.

Go back and review all of the episodes presented on the Changing Earth Podcast. This review will keep your skills sharp and give you exercises to improve them. During a trek through hostile territory is not the time to be trusting others. Avoid people and get to where you need to go.

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Hope on the Horizon Ch 33

Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.

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