Episode 275 S7-37
Prepping with Kids
Special Guest:
Hope on the Horizon Ch 37
~Jordan Smith~
During a disaster, your stress will rise, but what about your children? Children have unique needs that you should consider. In today’s chapter of Hope on the Horizon, Dexter goes into Swenson’s compound to rescue Geir’s family. Then, Chin and I welcome Jordan Smith to the show to discuss prepping with your children.
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When a disaster causes you to have to bug in or shelter in place, you need to consider your child’s nutritional needs. Stock up things they like to eat. If they enjoy eating peanut butter and don’t have an allergy to it, make sure you store a lot. Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein. If your kids are picky and they only eat one thing, make sure you have a lot of that thing. Now is not the time to urge them to expand their pallet. They will need comfort food. When putting together your food stores, make sure you include their favorites and treats like fruit snacks. Now is the time to get them used to eating long term survival food, not during a disaster. Make a game of it. Find out what flavors they like and don’t. Jordan suggests Totm MRE’s because they are similar to Lunchables and contain goodies like a cookie.
Make sure you have entertainment for them. Have a solar charger for the limited use of electronic devices. Have hands-on activities so that they can entertain themselves. Give them responsibilities. Be realistic about what they can achieve on their own. This way, they can feel useful. Jordan suggests “Kill Switch” bunker games. Teach them how to play cards, Uno, and board games.
They also need to know how to defend themselves. Have space where you can trust your children to be safe on their own and one where you can keep an eye on them. This area should not have windows and should not be easily penetrated by a gunshot at an exterior wall. Kids should know emergency protocols and what they are supposed to do during that situation. The responsibilities you expect of them will increase with age. Know what weapons they can operate responsibly and realize difficult decisions have to be made.
Having a go-bag or evacuation kit for your child is essential. Make sure they have the basics and know how to use the items in their bag. They should have a water filter, emergency food, and a basic first aid kit. If they are old enough, they can carry a knife. They should know how to put up their emergency shelter or make a poncho shelter. Their first aid kit is another item that grows as they do. Initially, it should contain Bandaids and a wound cleaning solution. As they grow, you can include basic medications and a tourniquet. They should have extra clothes stored in a Ziplock bag. A poncho is also a must, and a hygiene kit that contains a toothbrush and paste at a minimum. When they are old enough and responsible enough, include a fire starter and teach them to use it. Your children need to know how to take care of themselves if you get separated.
When you have to bug out or evacuate with your child, remember if you have to go on foot, they can’t walk as far as an able-bodied adult. Have moleskin for tiny feet taking stress. Also, you may need to consider ways to carry them. Keep in mind; you will have to carry them, their pack, and your bag. Consider a cart. Make sure it won’t make much noise, and the color is not too loud. Don’t overload your child’s pack. The weight should be significantly less than yours. You may have to carry more in your backpack to account for their inability to carry enough weight.
Talk to your kids about the reality of disaster scenarios. Be blunt but don’t freak them out. Explain the facts and be honest. Talk to them like adults and let them realize the gravity of the situation. Treat them with respect and understanding. Stay strong and calm for them when disaster strikes so they can emulate your behavior. If your children ask questions, give them honest, age-appropriate answers. If you lie or sugar coat things, they may not trust you in the future. You don’t have to be crude but be honest. Let them know the specifics of your preps at home is not something the family discusses in public. Teach them firearm knowledge and safety rules. These rules must be adhered to one hundred percent of the time, or they will not have the privilege of participating in shooting activities.
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~Jordan Smith~

I am a mother of 3, a craftsman and all around country living individual. I grew up in the foothills of the ozarks in Arkansas and learned to be self sufficient at a very young age. This has driven me to continue with such a life style and to teach my children these life skills. I hope is that in any given situation I know that they can survive.
I am also the host of 'A Family Affair' on prepperbroadcasting.com were we strive for self-reliance and independence.