Episode 338
Self-Reliant Spring Cleaning
Special Guest:
Chin Gibson
Spring is in the air! Spring cleaning takes on a new meaning for self-reliant individuals and involves extra steps.
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As self-reliant members of your community, your spring cleaning takes on a whole new meaning. An excellent place to start is with your go-bag. It’s time to go back through them and make sure everything is stocked and in good working order. A go-bag should have a minimum amount of items to take care of you for seventy-two hours. If you are still building out your bag, you can find a list of things when you become a member at The Changing Earth Website. For those already ahead of the game, check expiration dates on items and look for packaging that is comprimised. Has anything been removed over the year? If so, it’s time to restock. This includes the items in your first aid kit.
Kids should have their own go-bags as soon as they are big enough o carry one. Children grow quickly. Make sure the clothing that is packed still fits them. As children grow, some items like knives and feral rods may become more appropriate items to include in the bag. Talk with your children about what is in the bag and make sure they know how to use everything effectively. Children should have toys in their bags. Entertainment is essential, but toy choice also changes as the child grows. Make sure the toys are age-appropriate. This is also an excellent time to practice evacuation procedures with your kids.
Last week we did an outstanding show with Dr. Joe Alton, aka Dr. Bones, on where to start medically and what your primary concerns after a collapse include. You can never have enough medical supplies, so keep stocking. Take an inventory of what you have and what you are missing. Brainstorm ideas on an area you can improve upon dental kit, clean room, suture kit, on-the-go kits, or most importantly, knowledge, for example.
ThePrepperJournal.comsuggests water storage cleanout, and I have to agree. It’s a good idea to rotate your water stores once a year. You may consider investing in a stabilizer, and you will need chlorine. Remember that chlorine tabs store longer and maintain viability much better than liquid bleach. If you are already purchasing tabs, did you use some during the year? Consider restocking now. Clean out any rainwater catch systems now as well. A good scrub down is never a bad thing.
Your food stocks can use sorting as well. Always make sure you are using the first-in, first-out method. Whatever you just bought goes to the back, and the oldest gets eaten first. However, sometimes things get pushed to the back. Clean out your pantry and reorganize. Take note of the long-term food items, like beans and rice. Do you have enough?
Even your long-term food stores can use an inventory check. If you have been prepping for a long time, check the expiration dates. Consider marking them for use on a camping trip this summer if you have some ready to expire.
The same first in and first out rule applies to your seeds. Plant the oldest and buy new for storage.
It’s time to get your guns out! Ammo does have an expiration date, so use the same rotation procedure with food for ammo. Get the range and make sure your skills are still sharp. Even if you haven’t been using your guns, knock the dust off and give them a good cleaning. It’s always helpful to practice breaking down and reassembling your weapons.
Car kits will also need a refresh. Did you use a bunch of things out of it during the winter? Do you have items that won’t be applicable in the summer? It’s time to take stock, organize and restock.
Another consideration is updating your emergency binder. Maybe some of the actual numbers have changed. Have you learned more essential skills that you want your family to have a record of if you are not available to help them?
With tax time around the corner, this is an excellent time to update your get-out-of-debt plan. You can’t prepare for a self-reliant life with debt hanging over your head. Check out your finances and trim any fat. What subscriptions are you paying for that you may not be using anymore? Check your bills too. Sometimes cable companies and cell phone companies pile in add ons that you don’t need. Take into consideration the content makers that are feeding you knowledge and try to budget to assist them.
Reassess your physical fitness plan. As you come out of hibernation, it is time to rebuild your body. Make a commitment to learning a new fighting style, skill, and practice, practice, practice. Physical fitness is a great way to test your mental strength. Get accustomed to pushing yourself. You are another year older, and you need to reassess what you can take and what your limitations are.
Consider developing plans to help your community get more prepared. This can include making a new friend who may have a bit of insight that you don’t. Talk with a homeless person or a refugee. If you are intimidated by the prospect, there are many books to read. Having this insight will help give you a new point of view for the year.
Plan a survival trip. This is a great way to keep your skills sharp. Camp where there are no bathrooms so you can learn how to handle waste appropriately in a survival situation. Visiting nature refreshes the mind and family bonds. Also, consider taking the members of your survival group. These short-term trips can give you insight into the possibility of surviving with them in the future.
Remember, stuff doesn’t equal survival. When spring cleaning, you may need to knock the dust off your brain as well. Keep learning and expanding your knowledge.
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.