Episode 473 S17-1
The Facts Behind the Fiction: The Coast
Special Guest:
The Changing Earth Audio Drama Season 3 Episode 1
Chin Gibson
Explore the factual survival techniques hidden in The Changing Earth adventure.
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The Coast Survival Lessons
Natural disasters can change maps
· Future Global Flooding Forecast
We can identify and treat many injuries now but not without modern technology.
Long-range bug-out vehicles
Setting up a camp out of nothing
Kingpins with resources will form regional leaders
Situational awareness is dulled when you are tired!
· Improve Your Situational Awareness
Force vs. Compliance -sometimes going along is better than creating problems.
Women have to face the threat of sexual assault
How to handle prisoners with no policy and no jail – an ethical decision you will have to make.
How to resupply large distribution food centers – your guess is as good as mine.
The reality of having to take someone’s life if necessary
You can wild forage everywhere, but you need to know what is good to eat and what isn’t.
· Wild foraging in the Central United States
Wild protein is also available, but you have to know how to gut it so the meat is not compromised.
Thermal or night vision gives your team the edge, but you must be able to power them.
· Thermal Imaging: How it Works and How to Stay Hidden from It
Tasmanian Devil traps are effective at deterring followers. However, your pursuers will know you are in the area.
Trackers use slug trails, broken branches, and scuff marks to follow you.
Radiation Sickness – iodide tablets work to prevent thyroid cancer for about forty years from the time you take it. Is it really necessary? Depends on your age.
To trust or not to trust in your fellow human beings.
· To Trust or Not To Trust in a Survival Situation
Women’s Self-defense is key! Train them young. They will understand there are threats out there, and they have the power to stop them!
You need entertainment items. It’s essential to lighten the stress load every now and then.
· The Power of Laughter in Long-Term Survival
Americans are so spoiled and blessed to have reliable access to food options.
Underground shelters: Shelter vs. Tomb
Armed groups meeting and communicating could be very good or very bad.
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Chin Gibson
Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity is hidden from the public; Chingo-to is well known to the online prepper community as the go-to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices, educating the masses about being ready for an unforeseen life challenge.