Episode 105 S3-24
SHTF Trapping
Special Guest:
The Walls of Freedom Ch 24
~Ken Jensen~
Tensions decrease with the arrival of Master Sergeant Bennet and the antibiotics he carries with him in The Walls of Freedom story. The group turns their attention to securing a food supply for the winter. Here to talk to us today about trapping small game, is Ken Jensen, producer of TheCleverSurvivalist.com and host of The Prepper Podcast.
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Trapping generally works better for smaller game.
You can use something as basic as a slip knot style snare to get the job done, a spring snare or a dead fall trap.
You need to know how to tie a good slip knot.
When setting your trap you need to make sure you set it up on an established trail where you know animals will be traveling. Make sure you practice finding animals trails now so you can do it later. The animal will walk down the trail and hit the tripwire or triggering mechanism causing a large item to fall on them. These traps will cause crushing injuries to the meat but when you need to eat, meat is meat.
There are many conventional options for making traps easily but you should know the basic of designing them yourself in the wilderness, just in case you ever needed it. You could carry rat traps to catch squirrels and other small game. You can build squirrel poles to snare multiple squirrels as they scurry along the pole.
It is not critical to eliminate all human scent in the area. If you have been in the woods for an extended period of time, your scent will be diminished anyway. It is wise to touch as little as possible and wear gloves if you have them. Don't hang out around the trap you have set up or animals won't come near it. Some scents will make animals curious so you have to experiment and find out what is effective in your area.
When setting traps for game, make sure you mark the trees in the surrounding area so you do not trap yourself.
Check to make sure it is legal to set traps in your area or if there is a specific time when it is legal to do so.
If you are in a SHTF situation and you find yourself in need of making it harder for someone to follow you, traps work on humans as well. It is more difficult because humans think more. Do you really know exactly what route someone will take to follow you? You can make it easier for them to track you so they will follow a specific direction but you can't make it too obvious because that can cause warning alarms to go off as well. Once out ahead for your assailant you can always double back without them knowing. A trip wire dead fall can be effective but also a sprung spear trap (https://youtu.be/icucUPNCca4 via @YouTube) or a bow trap:
Ken has made a tutorial containing 10 different snares and snare variations. He included safety items to be aware of with diagrams and picture of the snares. Check it out at the prepperpodcast.com/snares.

Slip Knot Snare

Spring Snare

Dead Fall

Slip Knot

Bow Trap
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~Ken Jensen~

Ken Jensen is an American, Ex-Military Patriot that is knowledgeable and experienced in Electronics and Industrial Electrical design and maintenance. Ken is also an experienced Nuclear Reactor Operator and also worked on nuclear instrumentation. He grew up hunting, camping and spending time outdoors. In adulthood, Ken has spent many years learning wilderness survival and, eventually, urban survival.
Ken is the author of a book, The Honey and The Bee and is the main author and contributor to The Clever Survivalist Blog, Survival Guide and The Prepper Podcast, Survival Podcast