Episode 85 S3-4
Cleaning Up Your Campsite
Special Guest:
The Walls of Freedom Ch 4
George Hart
In today's chapter of The Walls of Freedom, Erika's family leave their campsite behind and continue north. Here to talk to us today about cleaning up your campsite: How to minimize your footprint and conceal your location in a SHTF situation is survival professional, George Hart.
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When you are selecting a campsite you want it to be at least two hundred feet from water with a slight rise. If you camp too close to a water source flooding or water tides may destroy your supplies and gear. Make sure you check for snakes, hornets and animal life in the immediate area. Mosquitoes like marshy areas, still grass and travel with the wind. They are attracted to dark colors so avoid tall grassy areas and try not to camp down wind of them. Chiggers, ticks and ants also like these types of areas. Make sure you are not pitching your tent in a clump of poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac. Look out for tall trees that have fallen or are tipping. These trees are called widow makers and can pose a serious threat. Keep in mind that poisonous spiders like black widows like damp dark spaces to hide.
In canyon areas the wind will blow up the canyon in the day and down the canyon at night. Make sure you are not camped on the edge. Hollows and valleys will be the wettest, coldest and foggiest places to camp. Also keep in mind that mountain streams carry cold air with it and will make for a miserable night. Look out for now on branches or up in trees. Don't build your fire under it or set your tent up under it. Be on the look out for rocks or enclaves to build your fire by. It will reflect the heat back at you and keep you warmer during the night.
When backwoods camping or traveling in a SHTF situation you will want to minimize your footprint. If something wasn't there when you got there don't leave it there when you go. Make your site look like it was never there, check, check and recheck for anything left behind. Don't bury your trash. Animals or people can dig it up. Bury your human waste six to eight inches down and make sure it is at least two hundred feet from water, a trail, and your camp. Carry out used toilet paper and feminine products. Don't leave it in a cat hole. Wash yourself and dishes at least two hundred feet from water and your camp site. Filter out dish water and carry out the scraps with trash. That way you don't attract animals to your dirty dish water.
When you leave the camp, take only pictures with you. Don't take any souvenirs from nature. Leave it like it was so others can enjoy them. In a SFTF situation it will still look natural and untouched. Don't cut anything raw. You don't want to burn that wood anyway. Try not to alter the site in any way. For your fire pit dig six to eight inches down and line it with rocks. When you leave make sure the fire is out, disperse the rocks, and cover the pit with dirt first and then fallen debris. On long hikes you may find fire pits already established, it is okay to use them and leave them as they were. If you are in a SHTF situation your pit and traffic trails around the camp will be a dead giveaway. When you first arrive at camp you may want to clear some debris into a pile so you can spread it out over these signs when you go.
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George Hart

George Hart was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He started studying different aspects of survival at the age of 7. He was a boy scout as a young boy, while hiking with his father James Hart, was taught the basics of hiking, water, and shelter while in the outdoors. Over the years of him maturing and having experiences with survival, he has learned survival in a self-taught manner. George has gone autumn camping on the shores of Caddo Lake, Texas. He would go hiking as a boy scout, and has studied other aspects of survival from James’ book S.W.E.T. Survival and Wilderness Training such as, how to make a tent out of objects you would find in your wilderness surrounding.
George also has a 1-year diploma for automotive service. He also has a 2-year diploma for the Associate of Applied arts from the Art Institute of Houston for music, video, and Business.
He has been a Tattoo Artist for 22 years. He has also been a body piercer for 20 years. He started Apprenticing for tattooing during his time at the Art Institute of Houston. George has raised 2 female children since they were at the ages of 3 and 6, they are now at the ages of 14 and 17.
George is also in the process of writing a book from different aspects of survival to homesteading. He is in the process of writing a cyber-punk urban fantasy of a futuristic world with events happening so close to modern day it would scare you. He is also assisting his father James Hart in compiling educational materials from survival and medicinal training to multiple subjects interrelated to homesteading such as food preservation, animal husbandry, modern day first aid and medicinal herbs and vitamins just to name a few. He is also writing a series of cook books by compiling recipes, antidotes, and pictures to give to his children.