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Sara F. Hathaway
Dec 29, 20141 min read
Day After Disaster Discussion #5
First aid in a survival situation is paramount. Everyone in your group should have a basic knowledge of first aid skills and CPR. Thought...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Dec 17, 20143 min read
Cell Phone Survival Tricks
I came across an article on the website Art of Manliness by Creek Stewart that absolutely intrigued me. Creek Stewart is the instructor...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Dec 5, 20142 min read
Day After Disaster Discussion #4
This is a tough question for obvious reasons. What would you really be willing to do? Would you be willing to kill someone just because...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Nov 17, 20141 min read
Day After Disaster Discussion #3
This discussion topic is important because a lot of the things we prep are not things we use day to day. Yes, it would be a very...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Nov 14, 20142 min read
Tampons, Effective for Bullet Wounds?
During my time learning about survival techniques I have heard it said many times that a tampon is an effective stopper for a bullet...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Nov 10, 20141 min read
Day After Disaster Discussion #2
Do you have a plan? What do you do if your power goes out? Water? Gas? What if you lost them all at the same time? A household can't...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Oct 23, 20141 min read
Day After Disaster Discussion #1
This very question is the one that inspired me to dream up the novel Day After Disaster. I wanted to ask you all have you really...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Oct 21, 20142 min read
Paracord: All Young Women Should be Familiar With It
Paracord Basics Paracord is a type of rope that was developed for use with parachutes. The fact that it is lightweight, durable, and...
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Sara F. Hathaway
Oct 17, 20142 min read
Lets talk about sprouts: Sprouts are a nutritional way to get your dose of veggies anytime. They will grow in the light or dark but...
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Sara F. Hathaway
May 1, 20142 min read
Go-Bag, Why You Need One!
There are many recent examples of why a Go-Bag is essential for every individual to own. Looking back through the year we have had huge ...
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Sara F. Hathaway
May 1, 20141 min read
Hiking and the Importance of Your Feet
When you go out hiking, most people take their feet for granted. We all know a supportive and comfortable boot is the key but how do you...
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