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Episode 18 S1-18

Post-Apocalyptic Medications


Special Guest:

Day After Disaster Ch 18

Cat Ellis

Erika tours the town of Cool with her friend Greg. He explains to her what happened to the people when their supply of western medications ran out. Our survival professional with us today is Cat Ellis. Cat explains two major chronic illnesses Americans deal with everyday, diabetes and hypertension, and ways to help manage them after a disaster. She also discusses some antibiotic alternatives and basic wound care options.

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Usually there is no clear swap this western medication for that herb so it is important to know your body, your ailment, and suggested herbal remedies before a disaster hits.


Cat Ellis is not a doctor and none of the below mentioned solutions are suggested cures. Use at your own risk and never stop taking any of your medications without consulting your doctor first! This information is just food for thought. Consult a professional!


Dealing with Diabetes



  • There is a perception that if you have diabetes, there is nothing that can be done without access to western medications.

  • It takes time to figure out an action plan and each individual treatment will be different

  • Magnesium supplementation is a great place to start. It can get the pancreas to start creating insulin again. You can get it by soaking in Epson Salt, the ocean or taking magnesium flakes.

  • 500 mg of berberine has proven to be as effective as metformin with no harmful side effects. Herbs containing berberine include: Oregon grapefruit, goldenseal, chaparral, philodendron, and amaranth. If you don't like bitter greens another possible option is Glycox available on Amazon. Berberine is an antibiotic that does not harm gut flora, reduces liver inflammation, lowers cholesterol and increases triglycerides.

  • Gymnema Sylvestre leaves come from India and are a sugar destroyer. They kill sugar cravings and help reverse type 1 diabetes. A study by showed that people were able to get off insulin and most were able to get off the herb eventually as well. It is a slow process though. Fenugreek seeds are not as efficient but are easier to obtain. You can get the seeds and grow it but you have to take more of it.

  •   For preparedness when using gymnema you have to have an ample supply before a disaster. Get a bunch of it and make it into a tincture. Then it will have a very long shelf life.


Hypertension and Cardiac Issues



  • Americans are not accustomed to physical labor or living without climate control making post-apocalyptic heart problems an even bigger threat.

  • There is no herb that can stop a heart attack. You will need a defibrillator to get the heart started again if it stops. People used to just have the person having a heart attack rest and they prayed the person would live.

  • Hawthorne berries are very effective at helping to heal the heart after a heart attack.

  • Prevention is the best medicine:

  • Mother wort is good to help re-establish a steady heart.

  • Cleavers reduce edema or swelling due to water retention.

  • Nettle will also get rid of excess fluid.

  • American Skullcap with help with nerves and stress levels.

  • Use vasodilators that will open the blood vessels like: codonopsis, Garlic, or Cayenne.

  • If you have high blood pressure get your diet and condition under control now before anything happens.


Quick Tips:



  • Herbs with berberine, mentioned in the diabetes section, are also a great source of antibiotics but you have to know if the infection is systemic or not.

  • For systemic infections use bidens or sida

  • For local infections use juniper or thyme in a steam that is inhaled for respiratory infections. These are antibacterial and antiviral.

  • Echinacea is great for wound care - use in a spray for a sore throat.

  • Honey can be used to treat burns and cuts. Honey make minute amounts of hydrogen peroxide.

  • High amounts of sugar dehydrates bacteria.

  • Burdock is good fro treating staff infections.

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Day After Disaster Ch 18

Cat Ellis

“My love of herbs began in the late 1990′s with simple cold and flu remedies and grew into a full herbal practice, including workshops and private clients. My herbal practice leans heavily on Western Traditional Herbalism (European and American herbal traditions).


My husband and I have been preppers “officially” since 2008. We were already interested in camping, gardening, beekeeping, and other self-reliant hobbies. A loss of income, however, kicked our interests in preparedness, homesteading, and modern survivalism into high gear.


It was probably inevitable that my herbalism would be influenced by being a prepper. I have spent a lot of time and effort to research the best options in extreme, last-chance scenarios. As a prepper, this is just being practical. As an herbalist, I am humbled by the power and simplicity of plant-based medicines to address truly serious conditions.


I’m not a doctor. I cannot diagnose or give medical advice. I am an herbalist, midwifery student, massage therapist, and a prepper. I see the potential for emergencies where people are cut off from modern facilities and help is just not coming. I see the potential for scenarios where pharmacies may have nothing but empty shelves.


It is my belief that herbalists can fill in some of the gaps in the absence of modern medicine, whether that be from an EMP, a natural disaster that leaves communities stranded for extended periods, an economic collapse causing an interruption in supply, or any other obstacle that puts modern medicine out of a person’s reach.”

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