Episode 23 S1-23
Triage and Burn Treatmen
Special Guest:
Day After Disaster Ch 23
Dr. Ryan Chamberlin
In the Day After Disaster adventure, Erika, Vince and their children return to the camp as it is being devastated from another earthquake and subsequent fires. Today Dr. Ryan Chamberlin, author of the Survival Medicine, Prepper Pages, joins us to discuss how to triage burn patients in an emergency disaster situation and what some long term concerns are going to be as these people struggle for survival.
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Triaging the Burn Victims:
Medical tents are quite flammable
Without access to water, roll the patient to put out the fire.
Determine who has sustained the least amount of burns. 40% of total body or more burned 50% or less of survival.
Multiple vs. Massive casualties. With multiple casualties you would take the most wounded but with massive casualties you will take the most likely to survive. This would be a massive casualty situation.
Beaux formula - patient's age plus % of body burned, if it equals more than 140 they are likely to survive, with access to medical treatment.
Long Term Concerns:
Pain management. The amount of pain will depend on the depth of burns in any given area. Crazy things happen when nerves start to grow back.
Dehydration is the top concern! Water loss in tissues from burns cause body to start taking water from the blood supply causing the body to go into shock.
Infection is also going to be a major concern. The more surface area of the body exposed without the protection of skin the bigger the chance for infection.
Treatment for Burns:
In a modern medical setting the patient is usually painted with a topical antibiotic ointment. The typical material is Silver Silvadene but it is almost impossible for the typical prepper to stock enough and it is impossible to carry enough in a bug out situation.
The patient is then wrapped in gauze.
In a survival situation packing the wounds with sugar may be a viable solution that inhibits bacterial growth. The burned areas should still be wrapped and the patient should be kept in the cleanest environment possible.
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Dr. Ryan Chamberlin

Dr. Chamberlin was born and raised near the Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State. After graduating from Washington State University he attended the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific in Pomona California, and in 1995, graduated as a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery. During his post-doctoral training he became interested in Survival Medicine and in developing a way of quickly training preppers to become self-sufficient medics. In the years since he has authored four books on DIY medicine, his first being The Prepper Pages: A Surgeon's Guide to Scavenging
the Necessary Items for a Medical Kit, and Putting Them to Use While Bugging Out.
Dr. Chamberlin is a Professor of Bio-medicine living in Portland Oregon. He has written four guides on survival medicine, and blogs on a number of subjects including emergency preparedness, Wilderness Medicine, and First Aid kit building.