Episode 319 S10-10
Prepper Camp 2021
Special Guest:
The Bitter End Ch 10
Prepper Broadcasting Network Podcasters
Words of wisdom from Prepper Camp 2021
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Enjoy a live session at Prepper Camp 2021. It was three action packed days of education and catching up with great friends.
Big news for The Changing Earth Podcast! We will be joining the lineup over at the Prepper Broadcasting Network. Please head over there on Sunday nights at 5:30pm CST for the live shows! https://prepperbroadcasting.com/
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Prepper Broadcasting Network Podcasters

Redefining the 21st Century prepper. Promoting Self-reliance and Independence. Shows on all things survival, preparedness, homesteading, disaster response and the like. We will get you on or keep you on a road to disaster and emergency preparedness.
Our 9 dynamic hosts have been prepping for years and offer up their take on modern events and actions you should take. Prepping has taken on a whole new meaning and a larger class of participants since 2020. We welcome you all to the Prepper Broadcasting Network.