Episode 324 S11-1
How to Stay Calm when Stuff Goes Wrong
Special Guest:
Changing Earth Audio Drama Ep 1
Chin Gibson
It’s hard to stay calm when stuff goes wrong. With a little bit of preparation, training, and analysis methods, you can concur your emotions. Today on the show, we look at how things go drastically wrong in episode one of The Changing Earth Audio Drama and then break down the good, the bad, and the ugly.
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Being prepared is the first step to remaining calm during any unexpected event. Carrying an “Everyday Carry Kit,” EDC kit, is a great way to make sure you always have the tools to need to help you out in any situation. Your EDC kit should contain essential survival items like a knife, paracord, a fire starting method, a basic first aid kit (with tourniquet) for starters. There are multiple lists on the internet with suggestions. Check out what works for you and carry your kit.
In your mind, you should deploy the OODA loop when stuff goes wrong. The first thing you should do is “Observe” or analyze the situation and collect relevant information. Then you need to “Orient,” study the problem, and develop possible ways to solve it. The you “Decide,” choose what strategy you will deploy. Finally, you need to “Act” deploy the preferred solution.
Many people get hung up in the orienting process. This indecision is called analysis paralysis. Currently, it is easy to get overloaded with information. This overload causes you to freeze with indecision. Don’t get paralyzed. Make a choice and stand behind it.
Another preparation to make sure you have ready when stuff goes wrong is long-term food and water supplies. Having supplies to get you, your family, and friends through any personal, human-made, or natural disaster goes a long way to put your mind at ease when disaster strikes.
Even when you have a bad feeling about a situation, you don’t always have the opportunity to avoid it. You need to be situationally aware of any possible threats in your environment well ahead of a disaster occurring. Where are possible exits? What will fall in the event of an earthquake, flooding, hurricane, etc.? Who is approaching you? Being situationally aware is a great way to keep your mind sharp and you and your family safe.
Don’t assume that your geographical area is safe. Do your research to find out what possible threats exist. Have there been natural disasters that affected that area in the past? Are there dams that pose a threat? Are there chemical production facilities that pose a threat? Knowing the geographical dangers prepares your mind for a possible future scenario, giving you time to think it through so you can be calm if disaster strikes.
If disaster strikes while you are on a plane, there may be very little you can do. If it is an incident on the plane, you may be able to assist, but you will have to depend on the pilot if it is on the ground. Being mentally prepared for these scenarios will help keep you calm. You can help others stay calm to avoid a panic situation.
Getting buried in the event of an earthquake or landslide is a worst-case scenario. Panicking is one of the worst things you can do. You will need to conserve energy and water. If you can move, try to use a triangular structure to prevent debris from falling on you in the event of aftershocks or settling. Before you proceed, make sure that you will not cause the debris to dislodge with your movement. Try to keep the dust out of your lungs. Yell as loud as you can, but don’t expend all your energy on it. If you have a noisemaker like a whistle, use that. There are paracord bracelets you can get that have whistles built into the bracelet. How long you can live under the debris depends on your circumstances, how much water you have, and how badly the debris is crushing you.
When dealing with chaos after a disaster, deploy the MOSTTT acronym. https://www.authorsarafhathaway.com/Changing-Earth-Podcast/Episode-67-S2-32
Key in on the Strategy and Tactics areas:
S = Strategy (What will it take for you to survive?)
· What changes do you see taking place?
· What problems or threats are these changes creating?
· What new opportunities exist within those problems?
· What other gaps, conflicts, or opportunities do you see an opening from the changes?
· What countermoves can you make to seize the opportunities?
· What countermoves can you make to avoid problems or threats?
· If the problems and threats are unavoidable, how do you handle them?
T = Tactics (How will you survive?)
· Interaction with others?
· Isolation from others?
· Shaping actions that create or preserve your situation?
· Decisive actions designed to accomplish a specific goal?
· Eliminate or removal of a threat?
· Integrate with someone else?
· Negate a problem?
When someone is trying to get you to engage in a physical altercation, remember that your reaction is what they are trying to encourage. Train to be calm with sparring practice or mental practices. Always control yourself first! Know your triggers and recognize how to manage them. Maintain a tactically sound position so you can adequately defend yourself if the situation escalates.
Some personality traits you should develop to remain calm when stuff goes wrong are adaptability, composure, communication, critical thinking, decisiveness, facilitation, goal orientation, prioritization, and taking responsibility for your actions.
We are all a work in progress, so don’t be overcritical of yourself if you lose it in a situation where you should have been calmer. Learn from the experience and try better next time.
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity hidden from the public, Chin is well known to the online prepper community as the go to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for a unforeseen life challenge. Chin will be joining Sara to co-host The Changing Earth Podcast.