Episode 334 S11-10
Tightening the Noose
Special Guest:
Changing Earth Audio Drama Ep 10
~Ellen Kerr~
Often, ideas created with the best of intentions have unintended repercussions. Where are we headed? Today’s podcast looks at where society’s “new norms” will lead civilization.
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There has never been a business as lucrative as human trafficking in all of human history. Most people think slavery was ended because of good people fighting for human rights. However, greed usually trumps good intentions. Slavery was ended because investors could not retain their assets. If an enslaved person escaped, the investment could not be recovered. Tracking technology could ensure that investors can recover their assets wherever they go.
Current technology created to create a more secure world could have dire consequences for human civilization. For example, bio-tracking was instituted to ensure that individuals posing as someone else could not enter countries with a false identity. However, when your bio-information is taken, it is stored in a database. This information allows you to be tracked globally. With power shifts often happening, who knows what the next leader will do with the data. Also, the databases are vulnerable to hacking, allowing anyone in the world access to a database of every individual.
Tracking chips is the next evolution of logging the data of every human on our planet. These implants were created to create an ease of identity authentication. They were implemented in the workplace to avoid carrying ID cards. They also make it easy to conduct purchases without providing cash or a card. However, universal implementation could open the door for human trafficking and allow for easy tracking of human assets.
Digital currency creates its own threats to individual freedom. Without the ability to spend cash, the government can control everything you are allowed to buy. Digital currency also gives the government control over where you spend your money. If quarantines or social scores dictated when and where you were allowed to travel, the government could literally shut down your spending ability outside of your “spending zone.”
The laws being instituted in Australia are a prime example of what restrictions a government can place on its people if those people cannot defend their individual rights. In Australia, every time you enter a store or public space, you are required to scan a QR code (as seen below). This “Covid Tracking” measure is the first step towards monitoring and controlling all human movement. These QR codes can also limit access to individuals who are not allowed to enter certain areas, like welfare recipients entering pubs.
Covid restrictions have also allowed the government to push towards a cashless society. Because of the threat of spreading the virus on cash, it was actually outlawed in some stores.
Border checkpoints were also instituted in Australia to control human movement. Crossing the border required a cross-border pass that an individual must apply for and the government must approve.
Even though Australia’s federal government brought together a board consisting of the Prime Minister and a state-level representative from each region, the states still instituted their own set of provisions regarding entry into that region. This further complicated the situation. The Northern Region used old camps built for past construction projects and uses them as quarentine facilities, while most other states use hotels for this purpose. Anyone entering the territories was subject to a fourteen-day mandatory quarantine and was released with a negative Covid test.
To enter Austalia, you must be vaxxed and produce evidence of that status. If you have had Covid in the past, you can enter, but you must do the fourteen-day quarantine and produce a negative Covid test. Returnees to the country have to test and be negative before entering or self-quarantine upon entry.
All of these restrictions created chaos at Christmas time. People seeking to enter the holiday destination of Queensland were told they needed a PCR test at the last minute. This caused massive backups of the test’s availability. Also, the testing centers spread the disease, causing spikes in sickness and the closure of testing facilities due to a lack of supplies and staff. The requirements were then relaxed to the at-home rapid tests, causing a rush on these tests. Individuals started price gouging the tests, and the government had to step in to control the chaos. The mixed information also caused a rush on the border. Long lines and massive backups resulted, and many travel plans were canceled.
Hopefully, Australians will realize that all of these restrictions to ensure “safety” remove their personal freedoms. There are only two possible outcomes: the regulations will get worse, and the government will permanently strip their freedoms, or the people will seize control and ensure that the situation does not get worse.
Every country should take note of what is happening in Australia. America will only remain the land of the free if we can critically think about new technology and rules that we institute to ensure they do not inadvertently create a slave system in the name of safety and laziness.
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~Ellen Kerr~

Born in 1980 in Australia, Ellen Louis Kerr, has been married for 16 years to her wonderful spouse, Brian. They have two daughters Miriam and Emma. Plus, 2 spoiled cats, 2 ducks, 1 budgie and two lizards. (What is a budgie you ask? A budgie is a native Australian Bird short for budgerigar. They are a popular pet in Australia.)
Ellen joined the Royal Australian Navy in 2003 and served for fourteen years. She has earned the rank of Leading Seaman and is an Electronic Warfare Director at sea. When she's on the shore she works in the field of electronic intelligence. Ellen was deployed to the Persian Gulf in 2005 as part of the allied task force on board HMAS Darwin for which she is now recognized as a veteran. She has also deployed to and took part in numerous exercises in New Zealand, Hawaii and South East Asia.
In her spare time she practices Hapkido and works on staying prepared for whatever may come our way. Ellen enjoys camping, fishing, shooting and four wheeling. She loves SIFI and end of the world genre material. Her favorite TV show is Firefly. She loves her ducks and motorbikes.