Episode 443 S15-44
Stress Relief in Stressful Times
Special Guest:
Virgis 44
~Keri Henson~
Guest, Keri Hanson, host of the podcast Momsday Bunker, discusses the importance of taking a break when you're being crushed with stress.
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~Keri Henson~
I’m a 6th generation Texan born and raised on a ranch and a self-proclaimed wild child. I became a momma in 2004 and didn’t stop there! I’ve learned so much about motherhood in my 20 years of being called “so-and-so’s mom” including all its beauty as well as the ugly. In 2015 my number four, Super G, was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. In 2017 Hurricane Harvey destroyed our home while I was 37 weeks pregnant with number six and in 2023 my sweet number five, The Tank, was struck by a one-ton truck traveling 45 mph. There are a ton of mini-momsday moments in between too! I have SURVIVED and now I’m THRIVING and YOU CAN TOO!