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Episode 46 S2-11

Survival Depression


Special Guest:

Without Land Ch 11

Craig Polsfuss

Erika comforts Dexter as he is forced onto the waterline for misconduct in the Without Land story. Dexter explains to his mother why he ended up there. Joining us on the podcast today is Craig Polsfuss, psychologist and international leader in two groundbreaking advancements in human potential.  Craig shares his thoughts on the effects of unhealthy thinking, how developing a greater understanding of your emotions can help you cope and how to apply these theories to become a better leader.

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"Whether we think so or not, we are always facing the unknown. Understanding and becoming comfortable with this is crucial for surviving and thriving. Being aware that the survival brain is overly focused on physical survival helps one avoid giving in too often to the urge to not change and move forward toward a better survival and a better life." -Craig Polsfuss


Negative attitudes and depression can affect our lives in a number of ways. Thinking in an unhealthy way effects our perceptions, our ability to perform, our whole life and every aspect of that life. These feelings stem from an inside out reality or in other words, the attitudes we bring to any given situation affect the outcomes of those situations. When we realize that the perceptions and attitudes we are bringing to the table are not healthy we need to take a step back, reset and think: things could be worse. Look at the positives and negatives of your situation and assess your opportunities and limitations. Find a state of clarity and then find the answers.


Mental tools may work but they may not, there is a better way to overcome depression. Understanding far outweighs "tools." We can choose to give life to our thoughts or not. If the thoughts you are giving life to don't produce results or don't feel right we can dissolve them. When you're aware that you can choose what you give life to. You don't need to create a new positive reality, you need to quiet down and realize that the good has always been there you were just focused on the negative. 


If you need to rely on tools Craig says there are lower case "t" and upper case "T" tools. The lower case "t" tools are good if they are being empowered by upper case "T" tools. For example in the Without Land story Dexter chooses to break the rules because his positive memories offered hope for the future. The decision was not being controlled by the upper case "T" tool, in this case wisdom, because relying upon the lower case "t" tool got him in trouble with the authorities, his mother, his self and earned him a beating. When weighing the risk of a decision you must decide: will the choice help you grow and perform in the future? If not it is probably not the decision you want to make.


Instead of using tools, learn understanding and principles. Nature designed us to be in a positive state and we are all unconsciously prone to return to it. It's like alchemy: how can I take these ingredients and turn it into something better, something useful or pure gold. Ask yourself how can I look at this in a better light? Make your dreary situations into games in your head, pump up your mental music and change your attitude. It helps you to transcend your current position without excluding your previous experiences. This does not mean that life is not important. It just gives you the chance to take things to another level.


As a leader it can be difficult to lead a team that is becoming depressed whether you are a formal or informal leader. A formal leader has been placed in that position but an informal leader is placed in that position by their peers. Either way you have been given permission to lead and it is not always an easy task. For the most part people want to be led and that is okay. Everyone needs mentors and resources they can rely on to further their understanding of any given topic. You become a leader because you see someplace to go and others like that and want to go too. A leader is a conduit for the call, a knowingness or a spiritual understanding. The leader should embody and communicate the calling. They should not be a dictator but a servant and a listener there to assist other to understand the mission and follow the path. Of course practical aspects will still need to be delegated but a true leader will help other remember, see and feel the call so their followers can rise above their current circumstances. 

The connection between leader and follower should be a true heart to heart connection. The leader will make you feel important to the call because you truly are and they will help you to see it. A true leader will not let their ego be threatened by another leader in a similar field but will understand that there is still much to learn and understanding the abilities of another leader may be the key to furthering your calling. A leader can always accelerate their abilities through communication.

The human brain will come up with endless innovations to help an individual get creative, survive and thrive. It must use all of the emotions the brain produces in order to give the individual a better understanding, including anxiety. Anxiety can be translated into the brains love of life and desire for survival. When you begin to embrace it you can turn this feeling into a joy for life itself. Relax and allow yourself to feel it, don't resist it. When a body feels anxiety and a person tries to deny it, the body will begin screaming louder and louder until it breaks down. Embrace the feeling and listen to what you body is telling you so it will quiet itself. All emotions are gifts and we need to understand their usefulness and their place. There are no good and bad emotions.  

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Without Land Ch 11

Craig Polsfuss

Craig Polsfuss is a psychologist and international leader in two groundbreaking advancements in human potential. The Three Principles: A psycho-spiritual (non-religious) understanding that has identified the principles behind all human experience; thereby accelerating mental-emotional healing and growth. Higher Brain Living®: An integral neuroscience program that organically changes the physiology of the brain more powerfully than any other known method (verified by EEGs) to accelerate personal transformation and create sustainable change. Craig is published in professional journals applying the Three Principles to leadership and high performance. Craig has an online consulting practice and offers free and paid live and online presentations. Free initial consultations. Craig is passionate about getting the word out about these gifts to humanity.


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