Episode 76 S2-41
Surviving Separation from Your Loved Ones
Special Guest:
Without Land Ch 41
George Hart
In today's chapter of Without Land, Erika's family celebrate Daniel's birthday and run into an old friend with an interesting proposition. Here to talk to us today about surviving separation from your loved ones it is survival professional, George Hart.
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There are some emotional consequences of being separated from loved ones. If that decision has been made or made for you, we may not like it but we have to accept it. Make sure you are safe and allow yourself to be happy. Know that you will be together again in this life or the next. There are many emotions that will plague you during this time: sadness (your heart will ache), anxiety, depression, anger, sarcasm, stress, shock, deceived. Each day will be a challenge and may leave you feeling drained.
There are ways to rationalize these emotions. Contact someone who can help and communicate your feelings to them. Contact your family and let them know that you need a shoulder to lean on. Your family should be able to understand if you have emotional outbursts and you should be understanding if they have them as well. Be on the lookout for suicidal feelings in yourself and loved ones.
Here are some tips for emotional healing in the short term. Remember the positive memories. Tell stories of the folks as they were. This can bring your whole group together. Remember the quarks that made them who they are. Take your mind back to that time and remember that person vividly. Keep photos, objects that they liked nearby to keep you smiling.
In a long term scenario remember life will go on. If it is in a SHTF situation and you do not have confirmation that someone died, don't say that they did. They are still a missing person. If there is no resolve you have two options: carry on with no resolve, or back track and try to confirm what happened. Remember you will see them again one day. Keep hope and faith alive. If you haven't rationalized this with in your group, your group is at risk as well as your existence in nature. Unspoken feelings can be much worse than communicating about what went on.
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George Hart

George Hart was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He started studying different aspects of survival at the age of 7. He was a boy scout as a young boy, while hiking with his father James Hart, was taught the basics of hiking, water, and shelter while in the outdoors. Over the years of him maturing and having experiences with survival, he has learned survival in a self-taught manner. George has gone autumn camping on the shores of Caddo Lake, Texas. He would go hiking as a boy scout, and has studied other aspects of survival from James’ book S.W.E.T. Survival and Wilderness Training such as, how to make a tent out of objects you would find in your wilderness surrounding.
George also has a 1-year diploma for automotive service. He also has a 2-year diploma for the Associate of Applied arts from the Art Institute of Houston for music, video, and Business.
He has been a Tattoo Artist for 22 years. He has also been a body piercer for 20 years. He started Apprenticing for tattooing during his time at the Art Institute of Houston. George has raised 2 female children since they were at the ages of 3 and 6, they are now at the ages of 14 and 17.
George is also in the process of writing a book from different aspects of survival to homesteading. He is in the process of writing a cyber-punk urban fantasy of a futuristic world with events happening so close to modern day it would scare you. He is also assisting his father James Hart in compiling educational materials from survival and medicinal training to multiple subjects interrelated to homesteading such as food preservation, animal husbandry, modern day first aid and medicinal herbs and vitamins just to name a few. He is also writing a series of cook books by compiling recipes, antidotes, and pictures to give to his children.