Episode 86 S3-5
Post-Collapse Refugees
Special Guest:
The Walls of Freedom Ch 5
Johnny Jacks
The Walls of Freedom adventure continues as Erika's family follows Clint to a tunnel system created by the post quake refugees to evade the government. Here to talk to us today about post collapse refugees, who they are and what can be done with them is Johnny Jacks author of Absolute Anarchy.
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Johnny Jacks compiled his knowledge into a prepper guide called Absolute Anarchy. It is written based on just that, a state of absolute anarchy. Refugees is one of the topics Johnny discusses extensively. He has written the book in five parts: 1. What can happen 2. How to prepare - prepper questions, survival needs, bartering, etc. to get you trained with 49 practical exercises to accomplish that goal 3. Group survival considerations 4. Militia organization and operations 5. Supplemental reading with much more information on how the executive branch of government got so out of control and overpowered the rest of the government. Johnny also provides fact checks, additional exercises and additional information for each chapter at AbsoluteAnachyBook.com.
There is an ideal state of mind that a survivor will have to possess. The survivor will have to be a combination of a survivalist, a warrior, and a humanitarian. The reality is you will not be able to help everyone, no matter how much you want to. These three characteristics are important because we will need enough good people with enough strong characteristics to rebuild, repopulate and re-establish government. A person can only live: 3 hours without shelter in an extreme climate, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Food is going to be the major problem.
There are three hundred and thirty million people in the United States of America. Eighty percent of of those people live in the cities or immediate areas surrounding the cities. Within a week or two of living without food bodies will start shutting down. 80% of the city and suburb dwellers will die in the first month or two and 90% of the total population of the United States will be gone in 3 to 6 months.
When a societal collapse occurs there will be refugees exploding out of the cities. You have to make sure you have someplace to go to in the country if you reside in the city. At this country location (or if you already live in the country) you will have to have your own stocks of food and water, breeding animal stock, and gardens with two years of seeds stored. Refugees approaching your piece of land may cause you to think about doing things that are in direct violation of your morals especially if you are a Christian. Remember that even if they raid your garden and eat all the food these people will probably die anyway. Once that food is gone they will need more. You will need to protect your breeding stock, food, and seeds. Don't worry about your current garden.
After the die off only the competent preppers and individuals who lived a farming life before the catastrophe will be left. These individuals should have a pretty good idea of how to survive in this new world. Try to hold true to your values instead of thinking towards killing others. Ask yourself: What would you do if you found someone in your garden stealing your garden, stealing your food? Your initial answer may be that you would take there life, "you gotta do what you gotta do." Now ask yourself: what if it was a little girl? What if it was one of your child's friends from school? Remember after the die off there will only be thirty million people left in the United States. If you can survive, you will no longer have the same security threat. You have to be focused on long term food production, food and seed supplies and food preservation.
The average refugee will look like any number of people that you see while driving through a city or a suburb. You need acres to grow food and there is simply not enough space in the city to supply the whole cities population with long term food supplies.
If you are not going to turn the refugees away, what do you do with them? You can help them to help themselves. Younger or older refugees can be put to work babysitting, doing laundry, gathering wood milking animals, collecting seeds, or gathering natural fertilizer from the field for the compost pile. You need to be careful though. Remember you can't help everyone. You will need to select people who are willing to work and are able to help repopulate. It will be a desperately hard choice but a young couple with two children is a much better choice than an older couple who can no longer bear children.
Once you have your personal preps secured you can start prepping items to help refugees. Extra seeds are always a good choice and tools to help them start their garden. You can obtain them from the salvation army or any second hand store. You can store extra rice and beans in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. This can be a great source of calories and protein. You could store extra sleeping bags and shelter materials. When you get new ones keep the old ones if you have room to store it. Other items may include: extra animal stock, sugar, salt, pepper, kitchen knife sets, clothes, shoes, materials for construction, water processing materials, grain grinders, soap, first aid kits, cooking pots and pans, eating utensils, chicken wire, survival books. Remember all you have to do is help them to learn to keep themselves alive and survive the die off. Then there will be plenty of land for them to start their own long term food production.
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Johnny Jacks

Johnny Jacks is a product of WWII. Born in Alabama in 1944 five months before D-Day to semi-literate sharecropper parents. In the 1940s and early 1950s, he lived self-reliantly, off-grid, off city water, without indoor plumbing, and without assistance from a welfare state, which, of course, didn’t exist in those days.
On his seventeenth birthday, Johnny enlisted in the Air Force, later transferring to the Army, where he became a Special Forces soldier, a Green Beret, and began a career serving on Special Forces A-teams in Europe, Asia, and Central America, including an assignment to Special Forces A-team 102 in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968. He has lived or spent extended amounts of time in third world areas in Asia, Central and South America, and Africa, interfacing with people who live on the edge of survival.
After retiring from the Army in 1982, he worked for several government agencies over the next twenty-five years in significant positions involving high-level national security and emergency preparedness programs. These positions provided him with knowledge of continuity of government and continuity of operations at the senior level of national leadership.
This combination of off-grid, self-reliant living; guerrilla warfare expertise; and national security policy, which gives him a unique insight into today’s individual and group prepper survival needs and requirements.
Johnny wrote Absolute Anarchy, The Preppers Guide to Surviving the Coming Collapse. Absolute Anarchy is available on Amazon, in paper and Kindle versions, and is the most comprehensive prepper information resource available today.
The books website, AbsoluteAnarchyBook.com, contains a gateway to a large set of web links related to each chapter that vastly expands upon the book’s instructional information. The first four chapters and the supplemental reading are posted on the website.
Johnny is currently making the final editions to Saving Shannon, the first in a series of dystopian novel that he will release in the spring of 2017.