Episode 94 S3-13
Coping with Ill Loved Ones
Special Guest:
The Walls of Freedom Ch 13
Dale and Lisa Goodwin
The Walls of Freedom adventure finds Erika and Star enjoying a moment of peace but their thoughts still linger on Daniel's health. Lisa and Dale Goodwin, hosts of The Survivalist Prepper Podcast, join us today to discuss coping with an ill loved one and how you can do this in a long term survival situation.
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There are many complicated emotions associated with coping with ill loved ones. You feel trapped and like you have lost all control of the situation. Often times we will focus our emotions on how we feel about our loved ones being ill instead of focusing on the emotions of the loved one. You need to put yourself in their position.
Planning how to handle an illness or injury before the SHTF situation begins is essential. You need to have a plan to keep the injured or ailing individual calm so they can recover faster. Also, have a plan for filling the role that the person previously preformed in your group. How are you going to fill the void of that missing individual? You need a game plan before you lose them.
Give them busy work that they can do while recovering. Giving the injured or sick individual a job that they can preform while healing will help them realize that they are still adding value to the group and improve their emotional state. It is also important to know what caused the injury or sickness so that your caretakers do not fall victim to the same situation.
There are many things you can do now to help insure that you are not one of these sick or injured individuals when SHTF. You need to stay healthy and active now. The stronger you are now, the easier it will be to handle the increased physical demands later. You need to keep on top of any medical conditions you currently have so that they are well managed and you are confident with managing them when SHTF. You also have to realize now that injuries and sickness are inevitable no matter how in-shape, healthy and prepared you are. Make sure you have preps ready for these instances. Medical supplies, medical knowledge and herbal methods of healing are essential to start learning and buying now.
As I mentioned injury and sickness are going to be inevitable. As a caretaker of a loved one you may find yourself becoming depressed with the circumstance. It is extremely important that you can keep your spirits held high. Think about potential scenarios now so that you are not blind sided when they become a reality in the future. This is not always easy to do and your mind may not want to you even consider what may happen but you have to so that you can prepare. Play out worst case scenarios in your head and consider how you will deal with them. Make a physical medical library while it is still easy to do and learn alternative methods to treating issues that our pharmaceutical companies take care of now. The more you have thought about the possibilities and the more resources you have to find answers, the more control you will have of the situation and the more confident you will be. This will help you spread confidence to your group.
It is also a good idea to cross-training group members so you can fill roles easily. Remember: Two is one and one is none. Applying this to your groups personnel is essential.
If you are caring for an ailing or injured love one, try to focus your emotions in positive way. This will help your group rationalize the situation and feel confident in your ability to handle it. If you are the leader of the group, you have to know when to take care of yourself and when to accept help. The leader's role is essential and you must lead by example.
The emotional status of the victim also needs to be taken into account. Meet with your mutual assistance group well ahead of any disaster and establish who the main medical person will be. Individuals in the group will need to respect this medical advisor. Encourage the injured or ailing individual to treasure what they have. Let them know that people need them and they need to take time to heal up so they can be there for their loved ones long into the future. If an individual is being difficult tell them the worst case scenario that could happen if they don't listen. Drag them through all of the worst details. Keep reminding them of their value and how deeply they would be missed.
Having to take care of ailing or injured individuals during a long term survival situation is going to be an emotional roller coaster happening at a time when stress is already too high. As preparedness minded individuals it is essential to consider the possibilities. I don't know that anything could actually prepare you to handle this extreme situation gracefully but you must have a game plan to handle injured and sick individuals.
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Dale and Lisa Goodwin

"In early 2013 Lisa and I decided to create SurvivalistPrepper.net and become a bigger part of the preparedness community, we are not the overboard tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists, we are just like you, everyday Americans that enjoy the freedoms that this country offers.
Lisa is more of the prepper and I am more of the survivalist or outdoor type and we write articles ranging from first aid, to food storage to primitive and wilderness skills…basically anything that involves preparedness and survival." - Dale Goodwin