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Day After Disaster, Book 1 Autographed Paperback

Day After Disaster, Book 1 Autographed Paperback

“How fragile everything had been. People walked through life everyday taking it all for granted, their cars, their cell phones, their lattes, their dramatic social issues and their medical problems.”


She started her day at her home in the mountains just like any other. There was nothing unusual about making the familiar drive down to Sacramento to go to work. Then in a flash Mother Nature decided it was time to create a new landscape.  Follow the journey of a dynamic young woman, mother and wife, Erika, as she is thrust into a world turned upside down by a series of natural disasters. Alone in a mutilated city, she must navigate the path home, back to her family. Not knowing if they are alive or dead, Erika calls upon all of her survival instincts to traverse this broken environment. Will she make it home? Will her family still be alive? What will Mother Nature dish out next?

  • All Sales Are Final

    Books will be Autographed and sent out in new condition. Once sold and sent the sale is final. Books are like art and not everyone is going to love everybook.I have no doubt you are going to enjoy the adventure but if not give it to a friend or the library.



The Changing Earth

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Copywright © 2014 by Sara F. Hathaway.

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