Episode 426 S15-28
Christmas Prepping 2023
Special Guest:
Virgis Ch 28
Chin Gibson
Chapter 28 of the novel Virgis, followed by great gifts for 2023.
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When you are wondering what preparedness gift to purchase for your loved one, you need to do an assessment and try to fill their prepping gaps.
For friends who are not into prepping, but are in an area where they would need to rapidly leave their home in a disaster, an Emergency Zone 2 Person Family Prep 72-hour Survival Kit/Go-Bag is what I would recommend. this is a very decent kit for the money. It has both a very quality pack as well as contents.
Another gift that works for almost any preparedness person is a medical kit. Medical kits are constantly being used and many items may be missing. Getting supplies for a restock never goes to waste. Also, if you have a prepper friend who has everything they need and lives the lifestyle from day to day, chances are, they might not have a dental kit. Dental kits are often overlooked and are essential for post-apocalyptic survival.
The gift of food is never a bad thing. It's been a tight year for everyone so a gift card for the grocery store may be a good fit this year. You can also give the gift of long-term food stores. They usually drop to a very affordable price this time of year. Pick some up for yourself while you are at it.
The Prepper Broadcasting Hosts and advertisers offer some great deals as well during Christmas.
See the catalog here: https://issuu.com/prepperbroadcasting/docs/black_friday_pbn_final_3_?fr=xKAE9_zU1NQ
Sara's top three:
Disaster Coffee - You can never go wrong with coffee
Titan Solar Generator - I want one! LOL
Prepper Camp Tickets - This is year going to be epic!
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Chin Gibson

Chin Gibson is the mystery prepper. Friend to all and known to none. His real identity is hidden from the public; Chingo-to is well known to the online prepper community as the go-to resource for finding a community member to solve your problem. He is an awesome people connector and does his best to unite the voices educating the masses about being ready for an unforeseen life challenge.